          台灣戰後的債,誰來償付? ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.07.08) st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}台灣戰後的債,誰來償付? ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.07.08) 美國的外交政策相當具一致性,但也不是絕不改變。它會改變敵友關係:敵變友、友變敵。它會犧牲一國以換取另一國的信任。但不會改變的是:堅守美國的最佳利益。 術後面膜 在美國與PRC做朋友以前,福爾摩沙與蔣介石是西太平洋反共的象徵。從1972年美國總統尼克森首次訪問PRC之後,蔣介石在新的國際社會中變成一無是處的爪牙。而美國在很長的一段時間內,也不知道該怎樣運用福爾摩沙。 美國很清楚,假使沒有大義名分就重新討回福爾摩沙,它只會遭致PRC強烈反對,而且還要為1945 買房子至今福爾摩沙的損失而償還巨大的資金。想像一下:誰在1945年提供運輸船艦給蔣介石軍隊來台?誰又提供船艦給1949年的中國難民?假使沒有美國的幫助,蔣介石根本一籌莫展。因此,我們知道對於台灣人的痛苦,誰該被譴責,誰該負完全的責任!不過,為了防止美國聲望以及美國財政的進一步傷害,(當時)美國必須找出代罪羔羊。 室內裝潢在林志昇控美案中,所有錯誤都指向蔣介石與ROC。相反的,美國卻變成從政治煉獄中解救台灣人與福爾摩沙的救星。因此,過卻65年來,福爾摩沙為何會搞錯了,而譴責KMT與ROC,而美國毫不相關?這實在是諷刺得可以! 難道台灣人與福爾摩沙必須不斷償付日本在二次大戰的債務嗎?答案當然是否定的。台灣人能要求歸還過去65年的傷害損失嗎?答案當然是肯?西服w的,只要美國不必負擔這條債,而由第三者(如KMT或ROC)負擔便可。美國非常樂意幫助台灣人要求歸還。這就是美國作風。 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 【相關閱讀】 明算帳:戰爭責任永不含糊 東德重建援助是一筆戰爭舊帳 ●DW(2010.07.01) The foreign policy of the US is pretty consistent, but never always keeps G2000the same forever. It may change its position from friend to enemy or enemy to friend. It may sacrifice one country to earn trust from the other country. But one thing never change is the best interest of America . Before the US befriended with PRC, Formosa and Chiang Kai-shek were the symbol of anti-communist in the west Pacific Ocean . Since 1972 the US Pre 宜蘭民宿sident Richard Nixon first visited PRC, Chiang Kai-shek became one useless pawn in the new society of the world. However, the US does not know how to use Formosa for very long period of time. The US knows very well that if she retakes Formosa without any legitimate reasons, it not only brings strong opposition from PRC but also has to repay large sum of money occurring the loss of Formosan 新成屋 from 1945 to up-to-date. Think about this, who provided ship transportation to Chiang Kai-shek's army in 1945 and Chinese refugees from China in 1949? Without the help of the US , Chinag Kai-shek could not do anything. Therefore, we know who is to blame in this incident and who has to take full responsibility of the sufferance of Formosan. However, in order to prevent further damage of the credib 系統傢俱ility of the US and its finance, the US needs to find one scapegoat. Through the lawsuit of Lin vs the USA , all faults pointed to Chiang Kai-shek and ROC. On the contrary, the US becomes savior to save Formosan and Formosa from political purgatory. Therefore, what went wrong for the last sixty-five years in Formosa is to blame KMT and ROC. There is none of business of the US . What an ironic result! Do Formosan and Formosa 房屋貸款 have to repay continuously what Japan had done in the WWII? The answer is no. Can Formosan reclaim their loss for the last sixty-five years? The answer is yes as long as the US does not have to repay it but from the third party such as KMT or ROC. The US is more willing to help Formosan to reclaim it. That is American way. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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